Helikopter Obalne straže SAD-a obavljao je samo još jedan rutinski let jezerom Michigan, kad je pilot zamijetio da je njegovo dno kristalno jasno vidljivo zbog neobične bistrine vode. Kako se na tom jezeru dogodilo dosta brodoloma, zbog njegove trenutne bistrine, neki od njih su sad vrlo jasno vidljivi iz zraka.
Posada helikoptera Obalne straže snimila je fotografije nekolicine brodoloma pored Sleeping Bear Pointa, sjeveroistočno od obale Lelanda u saveznoj državi Michigan, prenosi The Blaze.
U Hrvatsku dolaze otkriti ratnu tajnu s dna jezera
Američka Nacionalna služba za oceane i atmosferu, pod čijom zaštitom su mnoge olupine na području Velikih jezera (Great Lakes), ističe kako je hladna voda idealna za očuvanje drvenih i metalnih potonulih plovila.
Brodovi čije je olupine snimio helikopter Obalne straže, zapravo nisu duboko pod vodom, ali ih se ne može uvijek tako jasno vidjeti zbog promjene razine vode u jezeru.
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We can call it "Shipwreck Sunday":With Lake Michigan ice gone for the season the crystal clear, deep blue waters of...
Posted by U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Traverse City on Sunday, April 19, 2015
Weather Channel - USCG Shipwreck CoverageA huge THANK-YOU to all of our FaceBook fans, we reached over 10K likes this morning! Additionally, THANKS to Garret Ellison at MLive.com and the Associated Press for sharing a few photos of some of the many shipwrecks one of our aircrewman captured on a routine waterways patrol and training flight last week. The initial local interest quickly spurred a national and international 'frenzy' over the beauty of our home state and our lakes.Since, over 140 organizations around the world picked the story up and have been sharing the allure of Northern Michigan and the Great Lakes. Our 'Shipwreck Sunday' photos have been featured internationally in the UK, Australia, and China. In addition, national coverage from NBC News, ABC News, HLN, The Weather Channel, NPR, and TheBlaze has been resounding.Check out the Weather Channel's segment below:
Posted by U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Traverse City on Tuesday, April 21, 2015