1. 'Antarktičko svjetlo' iznad norveškog arhipelaga Lofoten:
The Arctic Light from TSO Photography on Vimeo.
2. Rast velike budneve
3. Nacionalni parkovi
Far and Wide :: Timelapse Cut from Fr. Johannes M Schwarz on Vimeo.
4. Oregon
Finding Oregon from Uncage the Soul Productions on Vimeo.
5. Nebo
6. Čileanska pustinja Atacama
"Hierbas Buenas" Valley Petroglyphs (Night Time Lapse Movie) from Stéphane Guisard on Vimeo.
7. Mliječna staza snimljena s najbiše planine u Španjolskoj
The Mountain from TSO Photography on Vimeo.
8. Povlačenje čileanskog glečera
9. Krajolici
Landscapes: Volume Two from Dustin Farrell on Vimeo.
10. TimeFest 2011.
Time Escape from Eric Kessler on Vimeo.